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Napo Wildlife Center

A luxurious, indigenous community-led, lakeside ecolodge deep in Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park.


Tucked away in the heart of the Yasuní National Park in the Ecuadorian Amazon Rainforest is the luxury Napo Wildlife Center Eco-Lodge. Its 20 iconic red-thatched cabins and multi-tiered, temple-like main hall – with spectacular 360° panoramic views of the encompassing emerald greenery – fringe the banks of the legendary Añangu Lake, whose mysterious black waters shimmer with the glinting sun and echo with the calls and cries of the wildlife that lurks in the surrounding swathes of pristine rainforest. If this sounds postcard perfect, that’s because it is.

The lodge is only accessible by boat and is reached by a comfortable two-and-a-half hour boat ride along the Napo River from the town of El Coca’s port of La Misión, followed by paddling quietly up the Añangu Creek to the lodge in dugout canoes operated by expert guides. This will be your first opportunity to admire the fine work Mother Nature has done in this part of the world – keep your eyes peeled for the prehistoric Hoatzin bird! Eventually, the creek will branch off to the Añangu Lake and the lodge will come into view. This will be your home for the next few days.

Ecolodge Luxury

The first things you will notice about the Napo Wildlife Center Eco-Lodge is that it is a lot more luxurious than you imagined. You probably thought that a jungle lodge would be basic, rustic and less comfortable than what you’re used to at home. Fortunately, the lodge has managed to combine luxury with adventure so you don’t need to sacrifice an iota of comfort during your stay. And, all of this is provided in the most sustainable way possible, allowing the lodge to live in harmony with the rainforest. Electricity is generated using solar panels and water is taken from the lake and purified before being served to guests to drink.

The main hall of the lodge is where debriefs with guides and encounters with fellow visitors take place. Here you will find a comfortable hammocks and couches to unwind in, as well as a reading lounge area with library, a bar, restaurant, shopping boutique and an incredible 19 meters tall observation tower. Surrounding the main building are 12 ample and comfortable standard cabins and 8 suites offering arguably the most comfortable accommodations in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Each have been designed to make sure you want for nothing during your stay. King-sized beds face large windows that allow plenty of natural sunlight to stream through and brighten up the room. The rooms all have a porch with seats and view to the lake, private bathrooms with hot water showers, and there are ceiling fans to keep you cool at night. You won’t be spending much time in your room, but the time you do spend there will be comfortable and memorable.

For those seeking a little extra space and spoiling, the suites feature an additional living room, minibar and waterfall-style shower. Honeymooners and couples will love the four suites with jacuzzis and panoramic glass lounge floors, and families will appreciate the four connecting suites, one of which has a jacuzzi suitable for four people, and another which has an additional bedroom with twin bed.

Indigenous Community Interaction

The Napo Wildlife Center is unique in that it is 100% owned and managed by the indigenous Kichwa Añangu people and is an amazing example of community-based ecotourism that both benefits the local community and preserves the diverse flora and fauna of the area. This means that guests are lucky enough to have members of the Kichwa Anangu community on site, with many living in the  Interpretative Centre situated in the welcoming area of the lodge. Various cultural activities are organized by the women of the community, giving travelers the opportunity to learn about their customs and ancestral traditions, and even join in with their traditional dances and rituals.

Bewildering Biodiversity

If you want to spend your down time checking out the wildlife that lives around the lodge, the onsite observation tower offers spectacular views of the surrounding area and amazing bird-spotting opportunities. Alternatively, there is a short trail that runs behind the lodge and is perfect for searching for nocturnal creatures. When you’re not in the lodge, you will be out exploring the incredible biodiversity of the Yasuní National park on one of the lodge’s carefully curated tours.

This UNESCO Biosphere Reserve is home to an almost unfathomable 9,000 animal species so have your binoculars at the ready! No two days are the same during your stay and there is a huge range of activities for you to enjoy. A typical morning may include a trip to the parrot clay lick or to visit an indigenous village. In the afternoon you could find yourself floating down narrow creeks in a canoe in search of fish, turtles, caimans, piranhas and even the giant otters which are endemic to the region.

While there is no guarantee which animals you will see, you can rest assured you will never have a dull moment at the Napo Wildlife Center Amazon lodge. Those intrepid jungle explorers who want to get away from civilization and forget about the outside world during their vacation need look no further. This ecolodge ticks all the boxes for the ultimate Amazon Rainforest vacation destination.

Itineraries & Prices

All itineraries are subject to change due to seasonal weather conditions (and resultant variations in river and tributary water levels) affecting accessibility to locations. Thus navigation routes, times and excursions may need to be modified at the cruise captain’s or your guide's discretion.

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4 Day - Premium Tour

itinerary map

Arrival to the Lodge

AM: Departing from Quito, a 30-minute flight to Coca will bring you over the eastern Andes mountain range. After landing during the mid-morning, a 5 min transfer will take you to “La Mision” Port, where you will embark on a comfortably covered motorboat. Here we will ride along the Napo River for about 2 hours while enjoying a box lunch and coffee, which is provided en route. 

PM: Along the way, you will have opportunities to spot birds like herons, kingfishers, and others. After arriving at Napo Wildlife Center’s entry dock, we disembark for a short break and to visit the restroom. Next, we take you on a majestic and peaceful 2-hour paddle canoe ride surrounded by trees and wildlife, paddling along a narrow creek that connects to the lake where the lodge is located.

There will be chances to see some species of monkeys as well as large birds like toucans, parrots, or even macaws. Late afternoon arrival to Napo Wildlife Center with an overwhelming view of the Añangu Lake will be accompanied by a welcome drink followed by a briefing from the local manager.

Napo Wildlife Center's Premium 4-Day Tour Day One - Boat Transportation.
Quito - Napo Wildlife Center
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Parrot Clay Licks & Lunch with the Kichwa Community

AM: Wake up for an early breakfast and an early start to reach the most accessible parrot clay licks in Ecuador, about 1 hour away from the lodge. Guests reach this destination just before parrot activity kicks off at the clay lick between 7:30 - 8:30 am to ensure the best viewing experience. A total of 11 species of parrots, parakeets, and macaws can be seen on a daily basis. Many other animals also visit on a less frequent basis. 

PM: Later, hike along a forest trail to visit the Kichwa Community of Añangu and share time with a family on one of their many activities. Enjoy lunch at Napo Cultural Center, where you share with people of the Kichwa community. Then return to the creek and hike through a Terra Firme Forest for about 30 minutes until we arrive at the second parrot clay lick. If the weather conditions permit, we will be able to find different species of parrots, parakeets, and even macaws.

When you arrive back at the lodge during the late afternoon or early evening, a delicious dinner will be awaiting you.

Napo Wildlife Center's Premium 4-Day Tour Day Two - Parrot Clay Licks.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Canopy Tower & Terra Firme Trail

AM: After another early breakfast, we leave the lodge to experience an amazing view of the rainforest from a 36-meter tall canopy tower, a great way to see the hustle and bustle of life above ground level. This is the second tower at the Napo Wildlife Center, located about 30 minutes from the lodge deep within the Terra Firme forest. As you ascend the 12-floor tower, you pass through different levels of the forest and emerge at the top of a huge Ceiba tree.

Flocks of colorful tanagers pass right through the canopy of the tree. Blue-and-yellow macaws fly past while, in nearby trees, adorable spider monkeys search for fruit. Two species of large toucans call in the early mornings and afternoons, and the life of the forest canopy is laid out before you. Birds that are virtually impossible to see from the forest floor far below are suddenly right beside you, usually oblivious to your presence. The canopy tower opens a whole new world to guests of the Napo Wildlife Center! 

PM: Lunch is served at the lodge. Your afternoon can include discovering another Terra Firme trail, where we hike along primary forest to see the forest interior, possibilities of finding lizards, colorful manakins, or the unique and endemic Golden-mantled tamarin monkey. After the hike, explore the lake and creeks in a dugout canoe and enjoy a likely chance meeting with our local Giant otter family on the way.

Napo Wildlife Center's Premium 4-Day Tour Day Three - Lizard Sighting.
Napo Wildlife Center
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AM: Your last day will entail an early departure and final 2-hour excursion canoeing back to the Napo River. The creek may reveal new sights of giant otters, monk saki monkeys, and rare birds along the way. Once we have reached the river, you will transfer to the motorized canoe to return the way you came. You will arrive in Coca after an approximately 2-hour boat ride to check-in for your Coca – Quito flight. Precise schedule to be announced according to departure details and arrangements. 

Napo Wildlife Center's Premium 4-Day Tour Day Four - Monkey Sighting.
Napo Wildlife Center - Coca
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5 Day - Extended Stay

itinerary map

Arrival to the Lodge

AM: This morning we will take a short flight from Quito to the town of Coca, lasting about half an hour. A short drive from the airport to "La Mision", the main port of Coca, will bring you to "the gateway to the Amazon" where Francisco de Orellana set sail in 1541.  

Our method of transportation will now be a comfortably covered canoe powered by twin outboard motors where we can enjoy a box lunch and coffee provided en route. This craft will take us downstream on the Napo River for about 2.5 hours to the Napo Wildlife Center welcome station. 

PM: Here we will take a short break and make use of the facilities before transferring to smaller canoes that are used instead of motorized vehicles to maintain the pristine landscape and habitats. Over the next couple of hours, we will paddle you up Añangu Creek to the Napo Wildlife Center lodge, which is situated on the bank of a tranquil lake amid a vast tract of primary rainforest where hunting is prohibited. On this canoe ride, you have high chance of spotting wildlife! Various species of monkeys, as well as large birds like toucans, parrots, and even macaws, can be seen. 

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Extended Tour Day One - Monkey Sighting in the Amazon.
Quito - Napo Wildlife Center
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Canopy Tower & Terra Firme Forest Hike

AM: After a buffet breakfast, experience life above the forest floor by visiting the 36-meter canopy tower. This tower is located about 30 minutes from the lodge and deep within the forest. Get an excellent sample of the 600+ species of birds recorded so far, with a close look at colorful tanagers, macaws, toucans, flycatchers, and even spider or howler monkeys feeding themselves on the nearby trees. The canopy tower opens up a whole new and exciting world to the guests of the Napo Wildlife Center.

PM: Return to the lodge for a typical Ecuadorian lunch. After lunch, there are many options to choose from for your afternoon activity. Climb the central tower for birdwatching, go kayaking, or simply relax in your hammock if that's more your speed.

You may choose to hike through the marvelous Terra Firme forest to discover the ecology and the role of plants in the complex world of the Tropical Rain-Forest. Vines, ancient trees, bromeliads, and orchids stand out in this impressive natural garden. After the hike, explore the surrounding lake and creeks for the chance to run into a Giant otter family. A delicious dinner awaits you in our lodge restaurant at 7:30 pm.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Extended Tour Day Two - Dinner at the lodge.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Parrot Clay Licks & Kichwa Community Visit

AM: This morning we will visit the best parrot clay licks in Ecuador!! An early start will allow us to see different creatures while paddling downstream on the Añangu creek as far as the welcome area. Then, we take the motorboat for a 10-minute ride for a beautiful view of thousands of parrots such as the amazon-mealy, blue-headed, and orange–cheeked, among others who land at the natural river-side formation to eat some clay.

Later, we return to the welcome area and start a short hike to the parakeets' clay lick. Here hundreds of cobalt-winged parakeets remain crowded in the trees waiting for the most confident members of the flock to decide it's the best time to get minerals from the clay. Marvel as they all take turns landing at this clay lick in a flurry of color and sound. 

PM: Lunch at Napo Cultural Center. In the afternoon, visit the interpretation area to learn about the traditions of the ancestral Kichwa community of Añangu through song, dance, and conversation. Then head back to the lodge late in the afternoon. You will be welcomed back with a refreshing fruit drink, and dinner following at 7:30 pm.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Extended Tour Day Three - Kichwa Community Visit.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Tiputini Trail & Canoeing

AM: This morning we will hike along the Tiputini trail. Enjoy the mixture of Terra-Firma and swamp forests while searching for more wildlife such as golden-mantled tamarins, white-faced capuchin monkeys, two and three-toed sloths, pigmy squirrels, and maybe even a carnivore's tracks on the forest floor.

PM: We return to the lodge for lunch and a well-deserved rest. In the afternoon, paddle canoes will take you deeper into areas of the surrounding creeks with more possibilities of seeing unique wildlife like the hoatzin. After dinner, we can all discuss and share our experiences of the community and Napo Wildlife Center.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Extended Tour Day Four - Canoeing Excursion.
Napo Wildlife Center
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AM: Early breakfast and last excursion canoeing back to the Napo River. The creek may reveal new sights of giant otters, monk saki monkeys, black-capped donacobius, and other birds. The motorized canoe will take you back to Coca for the flight back to Quito.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Extended Tour Day Five - Departure.
Napo Wildlife Center - Coca
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5 Day - Culture and Adventure

itinerary map

Arrival to the Lodge

AM: Departing from Quito, a 30-minute flight will take you to the jungle town of Coca. Here the real adventure begins! After landing, our staff members will drive you to the Orellana port, where you'll get on board a motorized canoe that will take us to the welcoming area of the Napo Wildlife Center. During the 2 hour ride, you will have the opportunity to see some aquatic birds and nature surrounding the Napo River.

Upon arriving at the Napo Cultural Center, guests are welcomed with a nice and refreshing traditional drink and then shown to their cabins with stunning views of the wilderness and natural gardens bordering the lodge. Once settled into your new home located in the Kichwa Añangu community, you can discover what real life is like in the Amazon rainforest.

PM: In the afternoon, you can join us on a short walk to the Napo riverbank to enjoy a beautiful sunset on the beaches and natural islands of the Napo riverbank. Then, we'll return to the lodge to have a delicious traditional typical dinner at the restaurant. You are welcome to see how the meals are cooked by the chef since the kitchen area is open to visitors.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Culture and Adventure Tour Day One - Dinner is served.
Quito - Napo Wildlife Center
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Kichwa Añangu Community Visit, Canopy Tower & Hiking through Terra Firme Forest

Optional: We get up early at 4:30 am, before the sun rises, to participate in one of the most ancient customs of the Kichwa Añangu community. The wayusa tea ceremony will energize the body and then follows the ritual of listening to Kichwa songs and meditating about life and important issues peacefully. Dream interpretation by the elders is possible.

AM: After a buffet-style breakfast at the restaurant, we'll visit the Canopy Observation Tower which proves to be a place where you'll experience life in the jungle atop the trees. The 36-meter Canopy tower is about 30 minutes from the lodge and is rooted deep in the forest. A place unlike any other! Get a close-up view of colorful birds such as tanagers, toucans, macaws, parrots, flycatchers, and some monkey species. As spider or howler monkeys feed on the fruits and seeds found in the nearby trees, you can compare things like your own appetite or family dynamics. 

PM: After visiting the Canopy tower, we'll go to the Napo Wildlife Center to have a delicious local lunch at the lodge's restaurant. Enjoy features like a 360° view of the Añangu Lake and surrounding nature. After lunchtime, you can choose from the many options the Napo Wildlife Center offers you: relaxing on the hammocks, reading a book, or climbing the dining room observation tower for birdwatching.

In the afternoon, you'll go hiking through a stunning terra-firme forest where you will discover this complex ecosystem. Living in the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador are vines, orchids, bromeliads, ancient trees, and incredible animals such as insects, spiders, mammals, birds, and monkeys. After the hike, you'll ride on the surrounding creeks by paddle-canoe to explore the aquatic wildlife. Dinner at the lodge at about 7:30 pm.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Culture and Adventure Tour Day Two - Kichwa Community Visit.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Parrot Clay Lick & Napo Interpretative Center

AM: Get up early in the morning to visit the most stunning parrot clay licks in the Amazon Jungle of Ecuador! First, we will paddle downstream on the Añangu creek until reaching the Kichwa Añangu community. Then, after a 10-minute ride on a motorized canoe, we'll arrive at the parrot clay licks where hundreds of magnificently colorful birds gather to lick the minerals contained in the soil that help them to digest the fruits and seeds that make up their diets. 

A short walk brings us to the parakeets' clay lick next. See hundreds of parakeets atop the trees waiting for the best time to eat the minerals and salt contained in the soil. Hungry ourselves by now, we will enjoy lunch that will be served riverside in the welcoming area. 

PM: In the afternoon, we'll visit the Interpretative Centre where the women of the community will welcome you. Learn about their customs and traditions while you enjoy the community's typical rituals and dances. Late in the afternoon, we'll go back to the Napo Wildlife Center lodge to have dinner and rest up for the next day's adventure.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Culture and Adventure Tour Day Three - Riverside Lunch.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Tiputini Trail & Amazonian Lecture

AM: This morning we'll explore the terra-firme and swamp forests of the Tiputini trail in search of more wildlife such as monkeys, snakes, two and three-toed sloths, squirrels, and exotic plants and trees typical of the Tropical forest. 

PM: Then, we'll go back to the lodge to have lunch and rest in the rooms or the social areas. And in the afternoon, we'll paddle around in the surrounding creeks to explore the waters of Amazonia to meet with more unique wildlife.

Back to the lodge for another excellent meal. After dinner time, our staff members will play a video about the Kichwa Añangu community and the Napo Wildlife Center.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Culture and Adventure Tour Day Four - Snake Sighting
Napo Wildlife Center
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AM: After an early breakfast, we'll go the way we came back to Coca city. In this last excursion upstream on the Napo River, you may see some new sights of the Amazonia flora and fauna.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Culture and Adventure Tour Day Five - Departure.
Napo Wildlife Center - Coca
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5 Day - Birding Tour

itinerary map

Arrival to the Lodge

AM: A 30 minute flight from Quito to Coca over the eastern Andes mountain range is the beginning of this fantastic experience. After landing, a short 5 minute drive will bring you to the Coca port where you will take a comfortable covered motorboat ride along the Napo River. Approximately 2 hours later, and after spotting some birds along the way, we arrive at Napo Wildlife Center's first welcoming area which is complete with restroom facilities. 

PM: After arriving at Napo Wildlife Center's welcoming area, we will switch watercraft and take a magical and peaceful 2 hour dugout-canoe ride along a narrow creek where motorized vehicles are prohibited. The Añangu stream connects to the lake where the lodge is located. Along the way, we'll see our first hoatzins and get a taste for the diversity of the region, with birds perhaps including rufescent tiger-heron, sungrebe, red-bellied macaw, and green-and-rufous kingfisher. We reach our final destination by arriving at the lodge in the late afternoon. Enjoy your first night at the Napo Wildlife Center lodge. 

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Birding Tour Day One - Bird Sighting.
Quito - Napo Wildlife Center
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Canopy Tower Birdwatching & Forest Trails

Please Note: These days can be extended as required by passengers.

AM-PM: One or two mornings, we will visit the very sturdy canopy tower which offers privileged access to a world apart from the rest of the rainforest. Three full days or more will only scratch the surface of the full range of avifauna in western Amazonia. Get a feel for the complexity of precious habitats and microhabitats within easy reach of the lodge. 

Flocks of oropendolas, aracaris, tanagers, and euphonias roam the canopy in search of fruit. Spangled and plum-throated cotingas sing from the treetops while raptors perch on vantage points to dry off in the morning sun. White-browed purpletufts and crowned slaty flycatchers compete for insects, numerous parrots and macaws fly by or drop in if there is a fruiting tree nearby, and many other species wander past (and through!) the towering tree.

Good forest trails offer access to another component of the avifauna with woodcreepers, antbirds, and tinamous are particularly well represented. We should be able to encounter the vocally striking screaming piha and the visually striking black-necked red cotinga. Keep your eyes peeled, cameras charged, and binoculars at the ready.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Birding Tour Day Two - Bird Spotting.
Napo Wildlife Center
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Canopy Tower Birdwatching & Forest Trails

Please Note: These days can be extended as required by passengers.

AM-PM: One or two mornings, we will visit the very sturdy canopy tower which offers privileged access to a world apart from the rest of the rainforest. Three full days or more will only scratch the surface of the full range of avifauna in western Amazonia. Get a feel for the complexity of precious habitats and microhabitats within easy reach of the lodge. 

Flocks of oropendolas, aracaris, tanagers, and euphonias roam the canopy in search of fruit. Spangled and plum-throated cotingas sing from the treetops while raptors perch on vantage points to dry off in the morning sun. White-browed purpletufts and crowned slaty flycatchers compete for insects, numerous parrots and macaws fly by or drop in if there is a fruiting tree nearby, and many other species wander past (and through!) the towering tree.

Good forest trails offer access to another component of the avifauna with woodcreepers, antbirds, and tinamous are particularly well represented. We should be able to encounter the vocally striking screaming piha and the visually striking black-necked red cotinga. Keep your eyes peeled, cameras charged, and binoculars at the ready.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Birding Tour Day Three - Bird Sighting.
Napo Wildelife Center
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Canopy Tower Birdwatching & Forest Trails

Please Note: These days can be extended as required by passengers.

AM-PM: One or two mornings, we will visit the very sturdy canopy tower which offers privileged access to a world apart from the rest of the rainforest. Three full days or more will only scratch the surface of the full range of avifauna in western Amazonia. Get a feel for the complexity of precious habitats and microhabitats within easy reach of the lodge. 

Flocks of oropendolas, aracaris, tanagers, and euphonias roam the canopy in search of fruit. Spangled and plum-throated cotingas sing from the treetops while raptors perch on vantage points to dry off in the morning sun. White-browed purpletufts and crowned slaty flycatchers compete for insects, numerous parrots and macaws fly by or drop in if there is a fruiting tree nearby, and many other species wander past (and through!) the towering tree.

Good forest trails offer access to another component of the avifauna with woodcreepers, antbirds, and tinamous are particularly well represented. We should be able to encounter the vocally striking screaming piha and the visually striking black-necked red cotinga. Keep your eyes peeled, cameras charged, and binoculars at the ready.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Birding Tour Day Four - Canopy Tower Birdwatching.
Napo Wildelife Center
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AM: Today we will make the journey back along the Añangu stream after breakfast, and head back up the Napo River to Coca for your return flight to Quito.

Napo Wildlife Center's 5-Day Birding Tour Day Five - Departure.
Napo Wildelife Center
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Social Areas

Work Space
Al Fresco Dining
Outdoor Lounge

Suites & Cabins

Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin - Double. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin - Triple. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin - Double Occupancy. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin - Triple Occupancy. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin - Bathroom. Napo Wildlife Center's Standard Cabin.
12 Cabins

Standard Cabin

2 - 3
52 m² / 560 ft²
Double / Twin + Single

Each standard cabin has the luxury of being either double or triple occupancy. These spacious cabins are complete with electricity, safe-deposit box, water, 100% cotton towels, and amenities (slippers, bathrobe, toiletries, bath salts). These cabins are equipped with an outdoor porch with seating, giving you access to a gorgeous view of the lake on your doorstep.

Napo Wildlife Center's Suite. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Jacuzzi. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite- Honeymoon Theme. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Jacuzzi. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Outdoor Porch. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Honeymoon Jacuzzi. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Glass Bottom Floor. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite. Napo Wildlife Center's Suite - Bathroom.
8 Cabins


63 m² / 680 ft²
Double / Twin

The spacious suites are complete with an entire living room, mini-bar, waterfall style shower, electricity, safe-deposit box, water, 100% cotton towels, and amenities (slippers, bathrobe, toiletries, bath salts). Each suite has an outdoor porch with seating for a beautiful view of the lake.

Four of the suites are interconnecting, allowing access via the rear balcony - a wonderful option for families and large groups. Four new suites are styled exclusively with a romantic jacuzzi in the ensuite bathroom and a panoramic glass floor in the living room - perfect for couples and honeymooners.

Technical Information

Property Layout


  • Connecting cabins
  • Cabins with balconies
  • Pool / Jacuzzi
  • Mosquito netting
  • Family Room (Triple or Quadruple)


  • Rubber boots
  • Poncho
** Use of certain equipment at additional cost, ask for details
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